Why Be Portable?


As you can probably tell, our hope is to spend as much time possible unpacking the why behind what we do so that the vision of Renovation Church can be made clear. Last week we talked about the reason for holding services in a middle school. This week we’re highlighting the why behind going portable.

So what does it mean to be a portable church?

A portable church means that we are literally a church without walls. We have designated a space (Topsail Middle School) that we’ve leased for Sunday gatherings. Every week we'll unpack and repack our ministry tools to be used again the next weekend. Going portable was a strategic decision we made. We weighed all the possibilities and the decision was clear for us and our mission.

Being a portable church helps us remain connected to our community because...

It creates portable offices. This allows our lead team the flexibility to work anywhere within the community, opening the door to cultivate relationships at any local establishment. Whether over a cup of coffee or in the midst of kids playing, a portable office space allows for continuous opportunities to do life together and keep up with those we’ve connected with. We’ve already discovered how beneficial it is to work in neutral settings while seeing people from our community on a daily basis.

It puts our people on mission everyday. Church can easily become something we do versus a role that we play. 1 Corinthians 6:19 says, “your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.” As believers, our body becomes a temple—a dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we are by God’s design, already portable. We know that church isn’t what we do on Sunday but instead a daily role we play in sharing the love of Jesus. Being portable makes our objective simple: point people to Jesus by the way we serve the community. We’re establishing a mindset that the church isn’t based on a building but the people who carry the message of Jesus Christ.

It activates creativity. An amazing team of volunteers will be setting up each and every Sunday morning. Rooms used weekly for school will be repurposed into incredible environments so that kids and adults alike can see, hear, and respond to the love of Jesus. Transforming these spaces requires great creativity and innovation on our part. We’ll extend an open invitation to everyone in our community to come and gather as we learn, sing, and celebrate Jesus. Just as if we had never even been there, we’ll pack it all back up, positioning every table, chair, and pencil sharpener back in its rightful place.

Being portable isn’t easy, but the benefits far outweigh any difficulties we may have. Our prayer is that each person who joins the movement walks with us as we discover, together, the work that God has in store for Renovation Church.

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. Ephesians 2:10.

Let’s take a walk together!


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