Starting Strong


It was an incredible first week for Renovation Church. We launched our official name, sent out the first newsletter, and had our core team meeting at Hullabaloo (with 60 in attendance including adults and kids - can I get a, "woohoo?!"). At Sunday's core team meeting; tables were filled with laughter, new friendships, and conversations of what God has ahead.

We gathered around not just as individual families, but one faith family - embarking on a new journey together. And this is just the beginning...

Hopefully you were able to take a mental snapshot of what we experienced Sunday night because with each team meeting our group will grow. The vision of Renovation Church will spread, adding driven, like-minded members to the team. People with stories like yours. There's no better claim to God's fame and the message of Renovation Church than your own personal story of redemption.

Within each person on this team, young or old, is a magnificent and beautifully crafted story and Jesus wants you to share it.

Keep these things in mind as you tell others about the good news Renovation Church will be bringing to the broken community of Hampstead. Every face, every name, every story will count. One by one we'll see the Gospel of Jesus Christ transform hearts, restore families, and therein, renovate a community.


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