Here's to 6 Weeks Post Launch....


We’re 6 weeks into launching Renovation Church and today we’re focusing on wins we’ve seen as a result of God doing big things in our community! #AllYouNeedIsMom, our Mother’s Day celebration, was a great display of God’s provision. God has given Renovation Church an incredible team of people who have worked hard, prayed continuously for our community, and given generously to the mission of reaching every man, woman, and child. Sunday, our team welcomed and loved on over 500 individuals from our area. Celebrating with several hundred moms laughing, crying, and being encouraged was an incredible memory we will always have for our first Mother’s Day.

As a church that honors the important role of parenting, we’ll work to see that every Mother’s Day and Father’s Day champions the pivotal role parents play in the family. And while we’re on the family, that’s our next measured win at Renovation.

When we began laying out the foundation for Renovation Church, we knew we wanted to reach our community through renovating families. Today, our family ministry is growing. On opening Sunday, we kicked off our RenoKids environment with 40 kids. This Sunday, our kids environments were filled with 38 volunteers who sang, jumped up and down for Jesus, and creatively taught biblical truths to over 100 children ages birth thru 5th grade. We’re at work, looking to duplicate those volunteers within the next 2 months—that’s 40 new volunteers for RenoKids and Camp Renovate combined. That will allow the current team who've given every Sunday to serving since launch, the opportunity to begin attending Renovation gatherings. Interested in being a part of the new RenoKids and Camp Renovation volunteer team mentioned above? Simply email

These wins are great reminders of why we do what we do. We value people because God puts a priority on people. That’s displayed in the way we cultivate great environments so that relationships can deepen within our Sunday gatherings and we can continue building relational bridges into our community. Relationships are the leverage in which we teach God’s word so that every man, woman, and child will have the opportunity to respond to the love of Jesus.

Renovation, we have much to celebrate. And this Sunday night we’d like to invite you to an evening of worship and celebration of all that God has done and what He is going to accomplish through Renovation Church. We’ll share in our first communion together and look at what it means to take the next step in being an active participant in the life of Renovation Church through membership. You don’t want to miss it!
