Finish Line


Reflection and helpful reminders are necessary when accomplishing any God-sized vision. Such vision requires absolute dependence on God and the ability to put forth effective, measurable steps to accomplishing such a great task. God-inspired vision cannot be accomplished alone and will always have challenges that must be overcome. That's where we are today. Just weeks away from what looked seemingly impossible, we're on the cusp of seeing launch Sunday become a reality. Renovation has come a long way in a short amount of time. Can you believe that we serve a mighty God who is able to accomplish far more than we could ever think or imagine?

Before another morning sun rises, stop and reflect on this journey thus far. Think back to the moment when you first heard about Renovation Church. How was God speaking to you then? What has He done in your life since? What have you learned about yourself? How have you responded to the challenges?

Reflect on how God has answered specific prayers. Reflect in how great God has been to bring us to this point. We will never experience another time such as this for Renovation Church in Hampstead, NC.

Our commitment is crucial. The finish line is within sight, we can't lose focus or get tired. No rewinds or do overs. Each of us must make the most of the next 26 days leading up to Easter Sunday.

So here are a few reminders to stay the course:

  • Show up. The next two Sunday mornings we will be doing full set up (your team leaders will be giving you call times and responsibilities).
  • Spread the word. Opportunities to share must be seized and intentional conversations must take place to invite our community for our grand opening on Easter Sunday.
  • Serve the community. Be a part of our first introduction to Hampstead. Sign up to be at our Community Outreach on Sunday, March 29. To sign up, simply email
  • Continue being generous. Those of you who are giving, remain faithful. Your gifts have brought us within $30,000 from reaching all of our needs for Easter Sunday. If you've never given to Renovation before, now is a perfect opportunity to start.
  • Pray fervently. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move through our interactions and our conversations with those around us. Pray that those searching for a place to belong would find it at Renovation Church. Pray that we are ready and pray for the testimony we are building through our love and service to the community of Hampstead.

I love each of you and I am so thankful for your part in starting this new life-giving church in the community we love! Stay strong in the Lord. Stay focused on the goal. Stay encouraged by God's provisions.

- Jonathan Cockrell


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