Creating A Rhythm In Your Family

LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-LEFT, RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT-RIGHT... Paradiddle, Paradiddle, over and over, faster and faster with each try.  Just typing this sequence brings back the memories of practicing drum rudiments for years.  Rudiments that played over time, become a foundational rhythm applied over pieces of music in nearly every genre, tempo and style.

The interesting thing about a rudiment in drumming, is that it sounds like an actual rhythm only after it has been practiced repeatedly and become muscle memory.  Are there perhaps other way to play a sequence without the rudiment? Sure, but those are short cuts, and over time the rudiment protects you, keeps your hand from getting fatigued and lets you play further and faster.

I think the same is true when it comes to raising the next generation.  There are some rudiments that we need to start instilling in our children from an early age.  Rudiments that when the pressure of life shows itself to be too difficult for our kids, they can see past the cluttered notes on the page and play through.  

So how do we do it? We create a rhythm. A rhythm of practice and applying the principles God has set out for us to live. Moses understood this principle when he lead the nation of Israel.  He understood it so well, he filled his last speech to the entire nation of Israel with rhythm. To give some context the people of Israel had been following Moses for over 40 years, after he had led them out of slavery in Egypt.  He cared for and loved every man, woman and child in the nation of Israel, and his time as their leader was coming to a close.

The nation would soon wander no longer, but would take possession of the Promised Land that God had chosen for them. But, Moses would not lead them into the land.  It was time for another successor to come and lead the people to their place of prosperity. So he rounds up every person in the nation of Israel, and gives them his farewell address. It is not just a speech, but a series of rudiments to help the create rhythms.

We find it in Deuteronomy 6:

4 Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 5Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

As Moses spoke these words he realized the key to the people of Israel continuing to trust in God would be to create a rhythm for them. A rhythm they could practice every day, in every dynamic of life, walking, sitting, lying down, and waking up. Tie them, write them, understand the rudiment of “Love the Lord your God”  inside and out so you will recognize it in every challenge and success in your life.

At the time Moses was giving these words, he had no idea that this would later become what is known as the Shema. The Shema was memorized by Jewish people and recited every morning and night. In other words the passage of rhythm became a rhythm itself. 

If Moses designed his final address to the next generation on the platform of creating a rhythm, then I believe we should take note and do the same.

At Renovation Church, we believe in the power of creating rhythm in your home for the sake of the next generation. That’s why we have partnered with the organization Orange, to provide you with tools that help create a rhythm in your home.

One of the tools we believe in is the Parent Cue app. The Parent Cue App is designed to empower you as the parent to create intentional God conversation moments with your child.  The app is designed to create a rhythm by providing you with cues in the form of Drive Time videos, Hang Time activities, and Meal Time discussion starters to help you fit them into the day-to-day moments of your routine.

There’s even a section just for you called Parent Time that’s filled with parent blogs, podcasts and more. The best part of this app is that it goes along with what we are teaching your children at Renovation Church each Sunday.  So let us help your family practice the rudiments that will become a foundational rhythm applied to the lives of your children and generations to come!

~ Joey Todd, Family Pastor

To download the Parent Cue app go to: