Before saying, "YES."


We've just began the journey of launching a church and new this week at Renovation was our big reveal of the 11 ministry teams that will help put the wheels in motion making the vision of Renovation Church become a reality. Finding the right fit on a ministry team is a matter of good stewardship with our time and gifts.

Serving is vital, no matter where we're planning to commit. Our goal is to see your gifts align with the opportunities available. That's why this week we're beginning a 2-part blog series on stewarding gifts. Here are a few things to think about before saying, "YES" to serving.

Say YES, when there's alignment with understanding the role. When it comes to playing a part on any team, whether it's a role needing filled at church or an organization you love, know what you're saying YES to. Does it have a time commitment? Are you the best person to carry that responsibility? Do you understand all that's required of you and will those needs fit with what you can honestly provide as a team member? If the answer is "no" then embrace that so you may discover where God might really be calling you to serve. Say YES, when you can meet the needs of the role and can fully commit to it.

Say YES, when the gift sets and experience fit together. God has uniquely designed each of us with spiritual gifts, given to us when we've accepted Jesus and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Our gifts reveal insight into the character of God. His creative qualities, His grace, His beauty, the work He has done in our lives. If you've got gifts and experience that fit together allowing you to be the best fit possible for a team then say YES!

Say YES, when there's clarity of vision. No matter where the opportunity to volunteer arises, there's a vision attached to it. A bigger picture is involved. When we can articulate the "why" behind what we're doing, we become vision carriers. Serve joyfully. Joy is contagious. It can be the very thing that draws others into being a part of the team. Say YES when you're ready to walk as a vision carrier.

We've been blessed with a tremendous group of individuals who are more than willing and ready to be the vision carriers of Renovation Church. With each brick we lay on the foundation, each team member we place on a ministry team, we move closer and closer to the launch of our church becoming a reality. The best is still ahead.

Next week on the blog we'll be digging in Part 2 of stewardship and the trust exchange that takes place when leadership equips, "the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ." Ephesians 4:12


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