Elementary Age Kids

For our Elementary Age kids—we wanted to create a space that really captures the adventure and excitement of God’s word. So from concept to reality—Camp Renovate was born. At Camp Renovate kids will have live skits, dramas, incredible worship, cool videos, and teaching. After large group time, leaders and kids break off into small groups that meet in classroom sized tents. The team at Camp Renovate are made up of a variety of volunteers that make it one of the best places to be during the week.

We encourage parents to ask your child questions like, “Did you have fun?” and “What did you learn today?” It’s our goal that every child has a positive answer to these two questions, every week!



The Bible is the most amazing book ever written! We strive to bring its stories to life through activities and discussions that keep children engaged. We want all children to love God’s word and understand the value of applying it to their lives.


We value children’s relationships within the small group setting as they relate to their leader and other kids in the group. As families commit to attending the same service each week, children are placed in a group of familiar faces where relationships can grow.


Our environments and lesson materials are created in a way your child will understand. We are so passionate about kids learning this way that we encourage every family to utilize our RENOkids rather than having them in our adult environments.


Every child’s name tag is matched to a parent-identification number, every volunteer is screened with an interview and federal background check, and every hallway is monitored by security personnel.


Kids love fun! We realize that when children have fun at church, they can’t wait to come back. We value creating fun ways for children to learn about Jesus, including games, activities, singing, and live acting.

Resources For Parents:

Salvation and Kids

A Parents Guide

Bobby’s Homecoming Adventure

For Families IN A Deployment Season