
Renovation Church Is Closing Its Doors

That's right... this coming Sunday, October 11th, we’re closing the doors at Topsail Middle School so we can open brand new doors by having a party in our community, for our community. A party that, we pray, will open the doors for conversation and authentic community so that ultimately lives can be changed by the reconciling work of the Gospel. So why on earth would we do something like that? Because...

Sundays aren’t for church anymore.

In fact only 25% of Americans actually treat Sunday like a Holy day. So what about the other 75%? They’re not at church. They're home enjoying football, napping, golfing, hunting, fishing (you name it).

Renovation Church is all about celebrating. It would be easy to count who is attending and get excited about how God is bringing new faces every week, but filled seats are not what motivates us — It’s the life-changing power in the name of Jesus. A vision and mission for reaching EVERY man, woman, and child with repeated opportunities to see, hear, and respond to the Gospel.

So what if we stopped counting those who fill our seats, and started counting those in our community who aren’t? If only about 25% are actually going to church, that means about 7 out of 10 people are NOT attending church on Sundays. For our area, that’s about 16,000 people. Let that sink in.

Now think on this: Hampstead is a thriving community FULL of families — some have been here for years, others recently relocated. It’s a community that will rally around building local business while also staying true to their fishing roots. They love their families, and they love a good event FOR the family—It’s no wonder why the Spot Festival draws THOUSANDS of people every year—because it both promotes a family environment AND their local business.

So if Sundays aren’t for church anymore, what can we do about it?

We can forego a Sunday morning gathering so that the 16,000 who wouldn't normally set foot in one of our environments can participate in a community-wide event that they will want to attend.We can work hard to be what we stand for—to create intentional, outside-of-the-box opportunities to engage those who would never step in our doors.We can do as Jesus clearly commanded — abandon the 99 to reach the 1 (see Matthew 18:22).

So come join us this Sunday, October 11th for our first-ever Party In The Park at 12pm out at Kiwanis Park. Food Trucks, FREE inflatables, face painting, crafts, music, and giveaways! Oh, and by the way — We’ll reopen the doors back at Topsail Middle School, 10:30am on Sunday, October 18th. It will be an incredible morning celebrating the wins from Party In The Park — So be sure to join us for that party too!

Should Church Be Fun?

There’s a lot of tension in the question, “Should church be fun?” For many of us who grew up in church we might've described our experience in a lot of ways—but fun probably wasn’t at the top. Renovation Church wants to be known as a church that celebrates, that throws parties and is excited about the fact that Jesus is alive and has rescued us from death!  It is our mission to go and tell the story of the Great Commission that Jesus gave us before he went back to heaven.  So how do we do it?

As a church we value the importance of great creativity to engage the hearts and minds of the families in our community. God is the original Creator. The evidence is all around us—He formed and fashioned everything with great creativity. As the Master Illustrator, he pulled coins from the mouth of a fish to pay taxes, used mud to make a blind man see, made a donkey speak (Shrek—Wait, what?!), had the ultimate fishing moment with his disciples and even made it a priority to share teachable moments with kids (on their level).

I’m sure when kids were in the presence of Jesus he was the most captivating person to be around. Imagine the moment he took one kid’s lunchable and fed over 5000 people with it (John 6:9)! Pretty amazing, right?

If God, through his son Jesus, was that creative—we should be inspired to model just as much creativity when it comes to reaching families—especially kids.

At Renovation we realize that kids are important to God, therefore they must be important to us.  We have worked hard to create environments that help kids become awestruck in the wonder and discovery of who God is. We call it RenoKids.

For our Birth through Preschool Ages—we have transformed an ordinary school cafeteria into a colorful and fun environment for our smallest attenders. We’ve created a space that allows loving, caring, adults to get down on the same level as a child while also providing unique learning opportunities that include coloring, art & crafts, videos, songs, and story telling.  We have the best team of loving volunteers ready to serve the needs of your family every week.

For our Elementary Age kids—we wanted to create a space that really captures the adventure and excitement of God’s word. So from concept to reality—Camp Renovate was born. At Camp Renovate kids will have live skits, dramas, incredible worship, cool videos, and teaching. After large group time, leaders and kids break off into small groups that meet in classroom sized tents. The team at Camp Renovate are made up of a variety of volunteers that make it one of the best places to be during the week.

So YEAH, at Renovation Church we believe church should be fun. Even more—it should incite wonder, discovery, and passion for Christ. We believe there is nothing on the planet more exciting than the message of the Gospel and its work in the family.

So what are you waiting for?  Pack up that minivan and come on over. We can’t wait to me you.

Join us for our first gathering on Easter Sunday, April 5th. Want to save time on kids check-in? Pre-register your kids for RenoKids & Camp Renovate environments HERE.